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                Welcome: Shanghai CQILED Lighting Technology Co., Ltd.
                Language: Chinese ¡Ë  English
                Your location: Home > About us

                About us

                CQILED was established in 2015, located in Shanghai, China and specializes in the supply, manufacturing of DMX Controller, DMX Driver, Intelligent lighting control systems, LED Neon Flex, LED Ribbon, LED Module and project design and technical services. We are designated agent of Nicolaudie in China and partner of the most prestigious brands in the DMX control industry, such as CRESTRON, AMX, LUTRON, Madrix, Unity 3D, Watch Out etc. We are also committed to designing and optimizing solutions on Christmas Music lighting show, stage lighting, LED video animation, interactive lighting device, smart home, smart city lighting. 

                Years of practice and accumulation, has become a professional providers of lighting control and service. Our products have been successfully used in various markets and applications including, but not limited to commercial & residential, architectural lighting, airport, TV stations, museums and entertainment. 

                We adhere to struggle and continuous innovation, provides customers with competitive products, solutions and services, and continues to create value for customers. We will work with our customers to face challenges and opportunities and create a better future. 

                Our Philosophy: 

                Stick to the customer as the center, Create  value for customers through innovative products and quality services. 

                Our Vision: 

                Better Control, Better Lighting! 

                Our Values: 

                Creative, Quality, Intelligent, Cooperation, Altogether Wins. 


                CONTACT US

                Contact: Kelly

                Phone: +86-18930676156

                Tel: +86-21-20902229

                Email: info@acemobilehome.com

                Add: Room 1121, No. 1808, Hangtou Rd., Hangtou Town, Shanghai, Pudong New District, China, 201316

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